Woman, Anzel Rossouw, 2013 |
Initial Sketch |
After I had the basic structure of the body correct, I started looking at the dress. So once I've started drawing the dress, it didn't feel like the right fit. I started looking at various dress designs and I then decided upon a frilly dress to bring across her personality as well as creating a challenge. I started researching different types of frills and the way in which the fabric would act when interacting with the other segments of the dress. Looking at the basic shape of her hair I had to decide how thick her hair would be, the quantity as well how long it would be. After I have determined this, I looked at how her hair would act blowing up.
After getting the basics right I started looking at the various color schemes that I would be using. I wanted to bring across a soft mood so I used cold colors that was in the range of a purple color scheme. I decided to put quite a bit of attention on the light coming into the image, as I wanted to put across the message of how there is always light within the darkness. The light is also representing the imagination as well as inspiration; where as the darkness represent how life would be dark and sad without imagination. After finishing this artwork I decided to add an inspirational quote that would make more of an impression and that would bring across some inspiration to many artists. As the whole idea of this artwork was to create inspiration through using imagination I wanted to use a quote that was about imagination. So I decided upon the very well known quote "Imagination is more important than Knowledge", by Albert Einstein. In this artwork the knowledge spoken about in the quote, is almost representing the darkness and how inspiration is more important like the light within the artwork.
I think it turned out pretty good for a scribble, especially because it's a little bit different to my usual style of artworks. I really enjoyed creating this artwork and I look forward to posting some of my new artworks.